Optical fibers are about the diameter of a strand of human hair and when bundled into a fiber-optic cable, they’re capable of transmitting more data over longer distances and faster than other mediums. Fiber optics is used for long-distance and high-performance data networking. It is also commonly used in telecommunication services, such as internet, television and telephones and backbone network for large enterprises and buildings.

Every year the amount of data we consume increases, as do bandwidth requirements. Investing in a modern fiber optic cabling infrastructure will allow your network to operate at future speeds without replacing the cabling. A solid multifiber backbone in a structured environment will last for years and likely continue to support increasing bandwidth needs.

Electromagnetic interference is caused by electromagnetic radiation on the outside. Fiber optics are resistant to this, which will enable you to have high connection quality.
Compared to other connection options, fiber optics are scalable and can grow with your business. The wavelengths can be switched on and off as you need them to be, enabling you to grow your business as you please. Optical fibers are lighter than the traditional copper wiring options, and fiber can be placed up to 20 years in advance.

Highly secure, fiber optics do not give off any signals. You can guarantee that your data will be secure because of the fact that there is no way to listen in on the light pulses as they transmit. It’s much easier to maintain your organization’s security when you use fiber optics, and a skilled fiber optic engineer can confirm it.


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